If you are wondering why one should take their time to complete Alumni contact information, think no more. Here are several reasons:

First and foremost, what's in it for YOU? Networking! Once the database is complete, it gives you an opportunity to get back in touch with your school friends. And, if someone is trying to fill a job or find a job, the database will be a good place to look for potential candidates.  In addition, we have plans to organize annual alumni meetings and charitable events for the benefit of our school.  The success of these planned ventures depends much on our keeping in contact and it all starts with filling out the form below.

This database will be a breeding ground for the school administrators to publicize the importance of studies at SKVT for the future students given the rich alumni it has produced.  Where do SKVTians go after school, which college they attend, which companies they work for? All this information is just a benchmark to the standards SKVT teachers set to themselves. If you wish, you can become a part of the worldwide network of SKVT Alumni Trust and help us in achieving our goal of making SKVT school a better place.

Any personal contact information like email address or phone number will be kept confidential as per the privacy policy of SKVT Alumni Trust.

(Please note that it will take 2-3 days to reflect your details in database after submitting)

Alumni Registration

Full Name*
Years Studied at SKVT*
Starting Year:
Finishing Year:
Last Grade at SKVT*
Educational Qualification*
Current where abouts*
Email Address*
Contact Number (optional)